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Friday, 12 August 2011

Interview. 750 Words Saturday, 13 August 2011.

Whats that?
So I got a phone call on Wednesday asking me to come in for an job interview in London. Which is a good thing, I guess.
 So yesterday I dig out an old Burberry uniform, which just so happened to be a Burberry suit, good quality, pricey. The Shirts actually fit better then it did the last time I wore it, back then it was a little tight in the gut. Now its fits fine. The jacket was a little to big in the chest, now, its a little tight across the back and my shoulders do push out a little. The trousers were always a little tight in the thigh and I had a horrible muffin top going on, but the muffin is gone, unfortunately the thigh area is now tighter, which kind of makes them hard to wear, I got the feeling that if I sat down in them I have a ass tear that would makes things weird. So I opted to wear trousers that were more, roomy. So I looked great. I took out an tie and at about 2am wen tot bed.
 The plan in the morning was this, get up at 7:30am, and be out of the house by 8:30am. Hoping to arrive but 9:50. Yeah that didn’t work out, I stayed in bed till 7:50am and left at 8:50am. Having got out of bed later then I was expecting. I got up and shit and showered and ate breakfast then brushed my teeth, got dressed and left. The reason I left 20 minutes later the I said I would is because I didn’t want to travel during the morning rush hour, commuting is bad enough when your not herded like cattle into tube trains. Hot and sweaty.
 So I was right I did miss that early rush, the bus was cool and the trains weren’t as filled as I’m sure they were 20 minutes before. I had to stand because all the seat were taken but I wasn’t crushed, I even had room to breath, and as the train neared London more people were getting off then getting on. And things got more roomy.
 I arrived at Victoria at 9:40am, 20 minutes before I had to, and 10 minutes before I expected to. So I left 20 minute later and arrived 20 minutes early. Cool.
 I used the back window to a small van to do up my tie into a double windsor (I think its a called that) and I entered the building, it looked like it was built in the 60’s and hadn’t been updated since. In through the revolving doors and I see two security guards, both sitting down behind the reception desk, I ask for Peter ******* the first guy gives me a visitors pass while the other gets up, and I thought was going to the toilet, but as it turned out was the guy I had come to see and was getting things ready. He came back out and took me into the security office. Which had a microwave a kettle and a fridge, all very good things. We sat as Peter asked me questions from a few sheets. We actually didn’t get through all of them as I had already answered all of them within the other questions. I tend to talk a lot. I explained my previous work in the Prison service, Linklaters and Burberry. He asked my about why I left Burberry and I thin I got away with telling him I got sacked without actually saying I got sacked. And making seem like it was mutual. Like I said, I ramble.
 We chatted for a bit and I found out that they work pretty much as they like. The shift pattern is a little weird, but its ok, 3 days on 3 days off, sometimes four and sometimes they only work for one day, weird but doable. I like that relaxed environment they have, and if they offer my the job I’ll be taking it without a second thought, but I’ll not let them know that. I’ll just say “thank you very much when do you wan time in”.
 The pay. Is more then Burberry at the time I left by 1,772 a year. Or 2,272 from when I started with Chav fashion. More money, less stress and no managers looking over my shoulder. I might like this place. And so I do, most definitely want this job. But mostly I want this job because its a freaking job and I need one.
 Overall I think it went as well as can be expected.
 Also, as one of the companies in the building is, ummm, sensitive I need to be vetted again by the home office. Joy. But then I’ve done it once before.

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