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Sunday, 21 August 2011

All work and no play make Jason a dull boy. 750 Words Monday, 22 August 2011.

Well its Sunday again.
I wrote an outline for another two shorts. I’ll start printing them off and get started on re-writes. I want to write more about the stories themselves but I don’t want to put anything out there thats to revealing not until I’ve either made them decided that I can’t make them or come to a realization that I’ll never make them. Either way I still need to re-write them all.
I think I’l try to stay away form the writing thing for the rest of this post, because thats all I’ve talked about all week.
So, what have you been up to today, anything interesting?
Ah cool. That is interesting.
So anyway.
 I’ve written 8 short film scripts this week and tons of treatments/outlines I’m a good boy.
 Sorry about that I couldn’t stop myself, I really need to get back to the gym, seriously I feel like I’ll getting weaker. I love my Gym, its a great place to stare at myself and pose for 30 minutes straight. Ok that was a lie, its not really 30 minutes. More like 25 but who’s counting right :D
 Craving Fish ‘n’ chips
 Lazy - Deep Purple just started. I like this riff.
 Struggling to write stuff. is fucking hilarious get over there and look around. If your sane, have read a book that doesn’t centre around your invisible friend, have half a brain or have had sex have at least a 5th grade education you’ll love this place its filled me with such joy over the last 30 minutes or so. The site itself is backwards and the people that comment there actually believe everything it says, because they are all mostly backward bible bashing fun haters, but there are sooo cute and funny to read. You can’t read an article or a comment with out wanting to put just a little fact in there. One dude actually say, “We discovered AIDS 5 years ago” he must have been so proud. OF course the rest of the world has known since 1981. Which if you’ll permit me to say, was 30 years ago. So Science has known about the AIDS virus for 30 years, where as the Church only found out 5 years back. And people say they need to live in the now, in the present. I bet these same people think the world is only 6000 years old. Maybe thats there logic here. They realised that they need to bring the date forwards because of the way that calculate the passage of time.
 Anyway, its a site that needs to be seen to be believed.
 Now I have nothing else to write about :(
 Okay I just found out that Christwire is a satirical website, but still hours of fun and putting the world to rights ;P
Was playing about on Vimeo again, joining groups and adding my videos, I want to get noticed. My stuff isn’t great but I hope to be adding some good stuff soon.
 Birds singing outside my window. Sounds nice.
 Anyway, There are time when the view outside my window is quiet nice, just before the sun sets, I can’t see the sun, its on the other side of the house, but its light looks great on the sky and the building I can see. It looks nice.
 So yea I hope to be adding more films, and I use the word FILM properly. I may go to a local acting school to fine “talent”. Am-Drams might be worth a try I guess.
 And I think I need to reorganize anything on my computer, and on my external drives, for back ups. Everything seems to be everywhere and all over the place. Its annoying. Things need to be easier. I like easy.
 I need to make a film soon, real soon.
 Okay now I’m just trying to make up the 750 words thing. And I’m a little under 100 to go so.
 All work and no play make Jason a dull boy. All work and no play make Jason a dull boy. All work and no play make Jason a dull boy. All work and no play make Jason a dull boy. All work and no play make Jason a dull boy. All work and no play make Jason a dull boy. All work and no play make Jason a dull boy. All work and no play make Jason a dull boy. All work and no play make Jason a dull boy. 

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