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Sunday, 5 February 2012

Open letter to my security firm...


I've worked for you since the 18th of January. A total of 16 days. So after these two and a half weeks i have a few things i need to get off my chest.

First then, my feet, they fucking hurt every single day. I actually can't think of one day since the 18th that my feet haven't hurt. And i don't know about you, but no one should go through this pain for that long, for only 7.50 an hour. No, screw that, i wouldn't accept double for it. I start work 9:45 and i stand until 11:30, when i get to sit down for 30 minutes. Then at 12:00 i'm back on my feet until 16:30, at which point the pain is set in and my next 30 minute break has no real effect. At 17:00 i'm standing again until at least 18:45'ish. I spend 8 hours on my feet and i'm not allowed to sit down, not even to rest my feet. This is BULLSHIT.

Because of the foot pain, i get pissed off much easier, simple things start to aggravate me and i find myself swearing at them under my breath. Almost feels like i want to get sacked, get caught calling some fucktard, who walks in from the cold, who opens the door and leave it open, who steps into the store and says "It's really cold outside". And i say "Well, close the fucking door you idiot or it'll be cold in here too".

Secondly, Working six days a week, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? i get Sundays off, but by Monday morning Sunday just feels like a dream, like it never actually happened, since i started working for you all i feel like i'm doing is working. I leave home at 08:20 and arrive back at 20:10 - 20:30. I get a Sunday to do shit, i can't even buy a new note pad from the post office because the post office is closed. I can't even go buy new shoes. Or get my uniform dry cleaned without getting someone else to do it. My LIFE is now dependent on other people. Working six days a week is ribbing me of my freedom. And i hate that.

Third, Travel, i spend about three hours a day travelling, 90 minutes there and back again. This is to fucking much. I can't afford to spend money on the underground, that'll be around 180 quid a month, 180 quid i just don't have. So i need to get a bus, which takes around 60 to 70 minutes, and then a 20 minute walk. And yes, i have to walk to the bus stop after work too, even thought my feet are fucking killing me. No one should have to travel that far and for that long, for a messily 7.50 an hour.

Now i hate Security, as a job, it's not a career no matter how you guys spin it, it's just not a career move, it's a shitty dead end job that goes no where except on the road to brain death, weight gain, and flat feet. The job itself is by definition 'Unhealthy'. I mean, on my hours and travel times and only getting one day off a week, i can't get any exercise. So, well. if you think different. You're an ass.

I've got an application form heading out to another security firm, which is corporate security not retail, because i fucking hate retail. A bag got stolen today, lucky for me, or not depending on how you look at it, i was on a break, which is the only reason i still work there, but i would have most likely not seen it anyway, the place was pretty packed and the thief knew exactly what she wanted and where it was, she made a bee line for it, looked around and took it, then left before anyone knew what happened, i seriously doubt that if i were there, that i wold have seen anything. I mean i have the whole store to watch, not just one corner of it. So yeah, i fucking hate retail security and seriously doubt i'll be here for much longer, and if nothing better comes along soon i'll end up walking. I don't want to take the blame because i haven't got eyes in the back of my head or a fucking radar.

I'm also applying for two other jobs, jobs that aren't in security, i'm applying to be a bicycle mechanic, i really want to get out of security. I'm sick of wearing suits, shirts and ties, with crappy shoes, i hate wearing this shit and want to stop wearing them. I'd be washing window or even picking up the trash if i could. 

So in closing, I fucking hate security, always have. I don't care about you or your clients, or their staff, they all mean nothing to me, in fact the only reason i'm even doing the job is because you're paying me to, that's it, plain and simple, you pay me to provide a service to your clients, so i do that, as best i can. I don't need to care about it to do it. If you think different. Well, i couldn't give two shits, sorry.

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