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Friday, 6 January 2012

Self Publishing...

Taken from Grifter Books

As a nobody, and i use the term factually, i think a lot about how i could get my works published. I could do the main stream thing and send a transcript to a publisher, who will no doubt cut it to shreds or edit it, which isn't all bad, but it'll be a long time before it's actually released, then i'd need an agent, right? I hate having people between me and those handling my stuff. 

Then there is self publishing, using Amazon i can publish my works myself as an eBook for Kindle, also there is the iTunes iBooks thing as well. But of course i have no advertising except my social networks, Twitter, Google+, and Facebook but i don't have that many people following me, word of mouth would then be my best friend, hoping that those that do read it, like it enough to tell their friends and share on their social networks too. But even then i think i'd see a slow start, then a few days of buying, then nothing.

Of course i'm already prepared for that, and giving away a few chapters for free would help i think, but also, i need to write GOOD stuff, so that when i release a new eBook, those that read the first want to read the next and buy the newest when it's out. Using social networks to advertise that it's in the works, being written, artwork is being done, then all the booky stuff, dedication, acknowledgements, previous works etc etc etc... than that it's out on the something something as an eBook on Amazon. Then on release day, post everywhere, and ask for likes, +1's and shares from everyone who follows me, to get the word out.

With Amazon and iTunes, i think, self publishing would mean i get 70% of sales, which isn't bad, really. If i price the books at £1.43, i'd get, as near as makes no difference, a £1 per sale. If i sell 1000 books, i'd make £1000. Awesom-O. I like numbers to be as clean as possible. And £2.86 would mean i get £2 per sale. And about £4.30 would get me £3.

For book of 350 pages are less, i'd sell for £2.86. Book with 351 pages or more £4.30. And if i do a special offer or sale i'd sell at £1.43 or free.

Also, something else i've been thinking about is short stories. If a put them all together in a collective works of no more than 200 pages, with artwork illustrations and such i would put them out there for free, as they will most likely be here in this blog anyway, why would i then ask people to pay for them when they can just come here and read them, free, when ever they want. At least in an eBook they get art work. I'm also preparing to continue writing the "Corridors of my Subconscious" series, i've written 3 of XX and once they are all done and the series is finished, i can do the same, put them all together, in order, and give it away.

Here's hoping i can write gooder.

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