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Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Todays activites.

So, my day so far...

Was woken up at 8am, to wait for another delivery :( but i fell back to sleep. At 8:45am i received a phone call saying that the delivery truck is 15 minutes away, at this point i decided to get dressed and actually wake up.

At 11am i left for my 3 mile walk to the job centre, i could get buses but i'd rather save the £2.60 it would cost for two buses and just walk it, besides, i need the exercise. Signing on at the job centre is now simpler then before, now that i'm on a work program they don't really care, i'm signing the piece of paper before they've even looked at my job searches. It used to take 30 minutes because they always wanted to chat about what i did over the last few weeks to find a job.

After that i figured i'd figure out a few things, wait......... yeah that's right?!?

I had a 2pm appointment at the security company again, just to hand over some paper work, proof of address, passport and certificates. But i had 2 hours before i needed to be there, so i thought i'd figure out a few routes to the hotel i'll be working over the next few day and might be working full time soon. I jumped on the tube just down the road from the job centre and rode it all the way to Euston, i then left the station and walked to a bus stop, this bus pretty much goes past my house and runs 24/7 pretty much all year round, except maybe Christmas and new years, but anyway i stood at the bus stop then started to walk towards Kings Cross, 5:16 minutes in i passed Euston station and a 10:35 i reached Kings Cross. So now i know that i can 1, travel to Kings Cross tube, which is located directly under the Hotel i'll be working. 2, If there is a rail problem at Kings Cross or on the Bank branch of the Northern Line i can go instead to Euston and then walk 5:20 minutes to Kings Cross. 3, If there is a major problem with the Northern Line and i can't ride it to either Kings Cross or Euston i can just get the bus which is about 41 minutes then a 10:35 minute walk, so if i leave about 90 minutes before i'm due to start, i should arrive in good time.

I then jumped on the Kings Cross tube and rode that to Oxford Circus figuring i'd just wonder around London for an hour, as it was only 1pm and my next appointment wasn't until 2pm, i headed for Trafalgar Square, i was just around the corner when i got a phone call from Greg, the dude i had the interview with on Monday, he asked me if i could get to Kings Cross in an hour, i told him i was in London but not dressed for work, He said he wasn't in the office and i was to hand over my paper work to Mel, so i just went straight there instead of wondering around London, after that i just came right home.

Long'ish day of walking around not really getting much done. Now it's time to rest as i have to be up at 4am tomorrow morning............. yes 4am : / for a 7 hour shift. So i guess i'll be having an early night, first one in years, about 11pm i think.

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