Fisk Film on Youtube and Twitter. Fiskyjay on Youtube and Twitter.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

The Green Bin, again. 750 Words Monday, 1 August 2011.

Got a little red i see
I sat in the back yard yesterday because the sun was out and I didn’t want to waste it, living in Britain means that you have to enjoy the sun and soak up as much of it as possible if it shows itself because its not out for long or very often, I when of a walk and once I got back I didn’t want to stay in but had no where to go.
 I sat out there reading my Movie Maker magazine and drinking the beer I had bought back with me from my walk. And as I didn’t finish it yesterday I figured, seeing as its still sunny out I’d sit in the back yard again and finish it off, so with a diet coke and a hot sun I sat and read through the articles I hadn’t read yesterday.
 While reading I could smell what can only be described as death, I thought that something had died nearby then I remembered, the Greens Bin needed to be washed out. The Greens Bin is a green bin we put organic waste, food, grass discarded flowers or apples that fell form next doors apple tree.
 I dug out the pressure washer and the garden hose and set to work cleaning it, at first it wasn’t to bad and I figured that it clearly wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be, then I blasted the bottom and got a face full of what ever crap had nested down there, seriously it was as if Death himself had defecated in there. So after washing the sides down and creating a nice pool of “Water” at the bottom I lifted it up onto the raised bed at the back on my garden and tipped it over, then blasted the bottom again, but this time concentrated on getting what ever it was that was suck to the it. I think it was a few apples, they kinda looked like turds, they also smelt like turds. The brown bottom juice was removed, by me tipping the bin enough then running away so not to get any of it on my bare feet, I’d already spatted myself with the bins fecal matter already and didn’t what more.
 So, bit is now clean and so I lift it in the garden, I’m not touching it until tomorrow, not until all the juice is evaporated. The smell that finally erupted once I broke through the bottom crush was enough to melt my eyes and burn my lungs, hence me shutting my eyes taking a deep breath and pointing the end of the jet washer towards the general area of the bin and waving it about.
 A nice long shower later and I feel clean again, I also scrubbed my face and hands again afterwards to be sure.
 One more thing I achieved, yesterday I gave myself t-shirt tan lines, I needed to get rid of them and so today I did, now I have vest tan lines. If I didn’t have my gut I’d just be out there topless, but I’m a little self-conscious about it right now. And I promise that once my stomach is flat, I’ll go around topless more often.
 Damned, still 200+ words short.
 My sister did a 3 mile fun run today for charity. My nephew Harley wanted to use my iPhone to play ‘Cut the Rope’ even though he has it on his iPad. My mother went out for a few hours 4 hours ago. I wanted to go out for another walk but couldn’t. This will be the third blog I’ve posted today, unless I write another one between now and when ever I finish this one. Were supposed to have good weather for the next few day, then it’ll rain again. You see, enjoy it while it lasts. Sun shine in British is endangered, so never miss an opportunity to see it.
I wonder how many bricks I can see out my window, my guess is lots. I would count them all but I get distracted by shiny things. One day, one day I want to look outside my window and not see bricks. The ocean would be nice, or rolling hills, or rolling hills and an ocean. Looking over a beach. Where the nearest house is out of sight and I can’t here the dulcet tones of screaming kids and shouting parents, car alarms. Even though I can hear them the owners never seem to, not for the first few hours anyway.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Could I?. 750 Words Sunday, 31 July 2011.

Maybe i could run a film studio.
What has today brought me, more feted dreams of movie making, a dream I hold so dear I think I’ll never be able to ever achieve it with anything other then a cinema ticket to the latest 3D production as the movie I want to see isn’t displayed in 2D as I’d prefer.
 I woke up with an eMail form a friend asking if I was ‘there’, I replied, “I think so..... Hang on. Yep I think I’m all here” he then asked me to log into iChat, he didn’t give a reason and I hate it when people ask me to do things without giving a reason for it.
 I opened iChat and he immediately sent me an AVI file, if you’ve ever download a bootleg movie it most likely came in this format .avi, it was ‘The Captains’ which is basically a trekkies wet dream, William Shatner talks to Sir Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew, Scott Bukula and Chris Pine. All (But one) of the Enterprise Captains. Can you guess who the ‘But one’ is? Not that you really care.
 Anyway I watched this 90 minutes Trek-gasm, he also shared via .avi file the Thundercats pilot episode, that be the new Thundercats. Not that I actually care about it to be honest, Thundercats was a big part of my life as a kid and I’ll always treasure that, I hope never to lose that part of myself but a new re-imagined Thundercats, I just don’t care. I’ll watch the pilot and forget it like the ham and cheese sandwich I just ate.
 After all that I realised that the sun was out and at that point I no longer wanted to stay in this house, I had to get out. I got dressed, thats not to say I wasn’t dressed before I mean I got dressed in a manner that would have people looking at me as if I was a mental patient. Jeans a T-Shirt, which since I’ve been going to the Gym has gotten a little tight around the chest/shoulders and arms. I’m fine with that.
 So I went out on my 4 mile round trip, to my usual walking point, Highgate Woods, the sun was hot and I had my music playing, loud. I love it, to get out and walk, think about nothing and just listen to music I like without someone telling me to “turn down that crap”.
 Once I was home I check Youtube and found that the Foo Fighters had uploaded a new 40 minutes video, hummmm, what could this be, it was In fact a 40 edit of all the Garage concerts they’d done recently, it was going well, but a copy of ‘Issue 93 Vol: 18 MovieMaker Magazine’ was looking at me, and the sun was still out and shining bright in the land of rain and overcast grey, “Fuck it” I grabbed the magazine pause the Foo Fighters video and went down stairs, grabbed a beer from the small fridge we have, and sat in the garden on the patio steps to read this magazine, no reason why I wanted to do that this time I just didn’t want to be indoors.
 And so I sat there reading and drinking, getting inspired as I always do when reading about film makers, reading how social networking is good for indie film makers, how indie film makers don’t need to worry about the 3D revolution in film making, personally I think they don’t need to worry because they know its all shit and a waste of money and as soon as the public realize that it’ll disappear, as it always has done, and how smaller studios are popping up all over America, taking away the need for an expensive trip to Hollywood, these ‘Studios off the beaten path’ do seem to be popping up meaning that indie film makers and big studios don’t need to head to Hollywood. In my honest opinion the sooner Hollywood looses its grip on the film industry the better it’ll be for smaller, independent film makers. But thats just me. 
Over the years many people have said I should start my own business, as I’m always finding myself in unemployment, and always go on about hating the bosses/managers I have to work with. I find that c businesses these day are run like a dictatorship, “do as we say or fuck off” is the kind of attitude I come across a lot. So I figure that I’ll never be happy work for other people, so what else is there, well, working for myself, unless I realize that I hate me I’ll be fine. After reading the article on small ‘Off the beaten track’ studios popping up all over America I wondered what it would take to get one set up here, a small studio for independent film makers, cheap enough for users of Vimeo or Youtube to have professional grade facilities at their disposal.
Reading this article it goes on to say that it helps the local economy, a cast and crew needs to be feed, housed and have out of office facilities, its a place to beginners to learn they chosen craft. The need for lumber for sets and food for craft services, material for costumes. And thats not to mention that foot traffic the local cafes and coffee shops will get. A long with cab and taxi services to shuttle tired cast and crew to there hotels.I wondered if I could get a studio up and running, with no money at all, by way of Government funding. Or going on Dragons Den and holding them all at gun point. No, ok.

On Writing. 750 Words Saturday, 30 July 2011.

I am a writer i am a writer i am a writer
I just read a blog post by this dude named Chuck Wendig. The post I read was ’25 ways to become a better writer’ on this site ‘Terribleminds’. I love how this guy writes, for example
Number 18;
“Sometimes you have to sit down over a pitcher of moonshine (or a hookah burning with the ash of an 1st edition Finnegan’s Wake) and confab the shit out of that palaver with other writers. Meaning: talk it out. Talk about careers. Techniques. Books you love. Writers you hate. Writer conventions and conferences are good places for this. Just remember: the writers are always at the bar. Like moths to a porchlight.”
I found this blog yesterday, before I wrote my blog or after I wrote it I can’t really remember. My memory is shit at the best of times.
Lately I’ve been feeling kinda shit about myself, and my life in general, then I read this earlier;
“Do what you love. Do what you love. Do what you love.
It doesn't have to make sense, it can be completely illogical - but when you're walking in your joy and your bliss, your life truly begins.
AHHHHH so fucking grateful man, but get off your ass if you're reading this, because you can do it too. We tell ourselves all the time, ohhh they were special, or ooohhhh they had this because of that. No. Tell your brain to shut up. I was scared SHITLESS 100% of the time while I was doing what I was doing. I'm STILL scared shitless. But take that as a constant, you'll never NOT be scared shitless. I post my stories to give people permission to do the same. In fact, that's why when we started I used to give out permission slips to people to be unapologetically awesome. It's a psychological trick. So here ... here is your permission slip, now go be awesome. I can't WAIT to see you all at the table of life!!! =) =) =)”
I read this and immediately felt like she was talking to me. The woman who wrote this is Jen Friel (@JenFriel) and I totally adore this girl. It felt like she was actually talking to me, as selfish as that sounds it true.
I sometime sit here waiting for someone to kick my ass into shape, to get my ass moving on something and yesterday I told you that I usually always wait until I have no time left.
For example, I do my job search each and every day (except Sundays) and I wrote what I do down on what ever piece of paper is near by, because I have to fill out a job seekers booklet to take to the job centre every other week. Now I have lots of scraps of paper with lots of different things written on them. But I don’t fill in the actual book until at 3am the night before I have to get up at 8am in order to get to the job centre. And I have no idea why, it could be that I’d rather not do it, I’d rather be working instead of looking for a job and doing job searched, but then I don’t I just write this stuff in the booklet instead of on these scraps of paper. Again I have no idea.
Anyway, I read through the ‘25 ways’ above and most of it is purely common sense, if you want to get better at writing, Write, and read, read and write outside of your comfort zone, don’t just read and write what you know you’ll like, read and write in another genre altogether. Don’t be a Book Nazi.
I figured that I’d give this a go, I’ve already been doing my daily 750, so why can’t I do a little more?
I started writing a series of short stories a few years back, I only wrote 4, and I did loose one of them, bummer I know, but hey. I went to a blog I uploaded the other three to back then and copy pasted them to my word-processor (Pages) and saved them to a new folder, which I just remembered I have to back them up, I figured I’d just go back to them for now, I mean I never planned them, I just wrote very descriptive narratives as they came to me, so far people have liked them. Its called ‘The Corridor of my Subconscious
And of course I have tons of other things to write but I don’t want to swamp myself, if I do that I’ll end up going backwards and I don’t want to do that, again. If I keep my writing light for now. Do my 750 words, and one short story a week and we’ll see how that goes for me.
I think as well that I might start a new Wordpress blog for them, to keep them separate from my other blogs. Maybe.

So i just downloaded an app called 'Writing Prompts'. I was looking for a writing aid, something to help my if i'm stuck on my daily 750. like a have been the last week or so. So basically the app has 4 main tabs 'Sketches' 'Scenes' 'Texts' and 'Words' the app will randomise each tab to give you prompts to write a short story. Example, The app opened on a Scene so i'll go with that, it says Place: beneath the streets. Character" a dolphin. Object: a full spiral binder. Time/Date: daytime. So i'd then have to right a story based on a dolphin under the streets, i'm guessing in a sewer, having issues with its spirituality during the day.
I have another one, which i've had for ages, i just forgot i had it, its called 'Brainstormer' in this app you get three columns you can either roll each one separately or you can tap the dice to get a random set. Tapping the dice, and the three words i have are, Remorse, Arthurian and Colony.
I think i might use these apps if i'm stuck for a 750 or for a weekly short story, assuming i remember to write one. And i shall try, promise. There is no limit to how many words they have to be, unless its for my 750, but i can pad that out with other stuff if i need to.

Friday, 29 July 2011

750 Words Friday, 29 July 2011

So, if you read the blog i posted earlier you would have learned a few things about me that frustrate me. If you didn't read it, its me, i frustrate me, every day.
After writing that blog i found myself just laughing at silly joke on Comedy Central, i guess to try and cheer myself up, you know, if my body is happy then i'm happy. Yea it didn't work and i started to depress myself again, enough that i had to get out of the house, i hated just sitting here refreshing web pages or laughing at silly joke on Comedy Central that i didn't think were actually that funny, a chuckle maybe, but not laugh out loud funny, as i was doing. I just needed to get out, put on some music and walk.
So i walked to Alexandria Palace, its about a mile away and takes around 15 minutes to get there, it was hot still and the Sun was hovering just above the horizon. So i sat on a bench just in front of that window (The one in the picture) and looked out over London, The City of London is about 8 miles south of where i was.
Ok, when i say 'The City of London' i mean central London, if your American i mean Down Town, even though i live in London, i have a London address, and when i tell people where i live i say "I live in London" when two Londoners say, "Lets go to the City" we mean Central London, and not where we live, which is in fact London. I've confused Non-Londoners with this before.
So anyway i sat, music in my ears looking out over London, but i couldn't really think of my personal frustration with myself, i just sat there, thinking about a woman named Allison, and even though i like thinking about her, it makes me feel more frustration towards myself for not thinking about my frustrations. I'm very frustrated.
I came back home walking slowly because i just wanted to make the trip last as long as i could without stopping, again listening to music and not thinking about my frustrations.
My frustrations are, the fact that i'm not writing as much as i know i should be, that i'm not making enough short films, let alone writing them. And that i know the problem but do nothing about it, i have so many half done writing projects and some just started projects and some not even started yet projects. I never really have an excuse for not doing them, i just don't do them, and then complain to myself about not doing them. I don't go around blaming other people, but i don't blame myself either, and lets face it, there really is only one person who can really take the blame for me not doing any work. Yep, me.
I can sit here and write this, and write my 750 word writing exercises each day, but i can't open a file and write either some of a script, and i have many to write or the book i'd love to finish, so long as i could actually get around to continuing with it.
And whats worse, is that i know i can do this stuff, they might not be award winning of even good enough to get my foot in the door of a studio executive, but i know i can do it, i can build characters and plots, develop a story in a three act system for scripts, or set up a novel story line for a book. I have tons of ideas, so many in fact that i always have one floating in my mind at any given second, either an old one that i'm still playing with or a new one that i'll run through and dismiss later on. I'll think about ideas for a few hours, then start at the beginning again, rethinking everything from a different angle. The thinking i can do, i mean it doesn't take any real effort in my part, its the getting them on "paper" and fleshing them out. Another reason i hate myself.
Another thing i just thought of that i can add to this blog, i mean while i'm here and all. Reading, i have tons of book i want to read, and many scripts i'd love to read. I think that writers especially people who want to be writers, should read. Lots. If you have a particular genre, read that genre. I like Spy/Thrillers, so i own everything that Robert Ludlum ever wrote, novel wise. And some he only had a part in, but others wrote. I love reading them, i love reading, but again i can't get myself to fucking reading daily. I sit here refreshing web pages, in the vague hope that a change might occur and i can add a comment to it and get an interaction going that might take up some time. I've even started arguments with people on purpose because i was bored, they can eat up a few hours very quickly and when i'm done, i just walk away from it. Its a sad life i led.
A sad pathetic life where i'd rather sit here waiting to interact with people or start arguments with other people online in social networks, wasting so much brain power and web space with my inane bullshit instead of focusing on writing something i'd much rather write. Look at this, i've sat here for 10 minutes typing this out when i could actually be in bed. Its 01:51 in the morning, i'm going to be getting up late again, around 10:30 or 11:00. I have tried to get in the habit of writing something, anything every day, but i always fail, i can never seem to get in the habit of doing it, and a self imposed deadline just isn't going to work, because once it came and went i'd just ignore it. If i had a deadline from a studio of publisher (It could happen) i know that i would do any work, i'd sit thinking about doing it, but i wouldn't actually do any writing until the night before. Can you write a script in one night? or a treatment for a book? No i didn't think so.
And one last thing, to prove just how lazy i am, i'm going to copy and paste this blog into my 750 word assignment so i dont' have to do it later on this afternoon.

750 Words Thursday, 28 July 2011

Yesterday it slipped my mind and I didn’t write anything, I was distracted by shiny things and Comedy Central, sorry. But I didn’t leave my 750 words unentered, so I wrote out and paragraph and copy and pasted it until I reached the 750 minimum. Yes I cheated and however yo think of me right now I must also tell you that because I entered it late I missed yesterdays post and it was added as todays instead.
If your reading this  on that the likely hood is that I rewrite the whole damn thing.
And so on I go, into yet another crap filled blog.
I have decided to read two blogs written by writers for writers. and, I understand they write gooder then me. Well thats not exactly difficult now is it, but I try to remain optimistic, and hopeful that one day I shall write betterer then I do now.
Just so you don’t think I’m a complete moron those spelling mistakes were on purpose.
Any way, I’m way off the 750 words I need. And I have nothing, again. This daily writing thing is more difficult then making daily vlogs, at least then I could just start recording babble shit for 2 minutes then stop upload it and forget all about it. Honestly I can never usually remember what I vlog about, and because of that I sometimes have problems naming them, and I don’t want to watch it, I mean they are kinda shit.
Way to be optimistic they dude.
Actually its hard for me to be so optimistic about anything, my life is pretty pathetic. And before you go on about homeless people or children in Africa, I’m well aware that my life could be a lot worse, but I’m not them am I and I won’t apologize for thinking that my life sucks, so if you at this point and thinking “Dude, shut up” I’d suggest you fuck off right now and don’t bother reading the rest of this blog or whatever its supposed to be, just leave your comment, or not, and fuck off I don’t need your righteous bullshit.
Of course the only person on this earth who can change things for me is an uneducated lazy, would rather sit watching the television instead of working on all these writing projects he’s so quick to tell people about, good for nothing, who would spend a night shift at work watching online television instead of writing something. Yes, I’m talking about me. You see why I call myself pathetic, I can diagnose whats wrong with me. I’m lazy and pay way to much time to the television then I do the things that I’m supposedly passionate about.
I what to be a writer, but I don’t write. I want to be a film maker, yet I don’t make films. And for all this I come up with excuse after excuse as to why I’m not doing either. Fact is, I’m not focused or dedicated enough to my own future to do it, I’d rather coast through life lets other make decisions for me so I don’t have to.
About the only place I’m good at making decisions is when I’m at work, once I get to know the people I’m working with, what they can do and what they can’t do or struggle with, once I’m familiar with the building layout and I know where everything is, I’m great at my job. Because I do it everyday, and with repetition brings work experience, and the more I get the more comfortable I get. But why am I so good at that.
I have to go to work, right, I have to do my job, right. If I don’t I don’t get paid, I see it as They’ve hired me to do a job and I’ll do that job as best I can, improving where I need to improve. And so, the longer I’m there the better at it I become.
You see thats pretty much the same for everyone, right, I’m not at all saying that I’m unique. But I don’t need passion and focus to do a great job at work, I just see it as honoring a contract, ‘As long as I work here, you’ll get me best’
So why can’t I do that with my writing?
I guess I don’t see it as anything other then me hitting a keyboard like a trained monkey, if I hit it long enough, at some point I’ll write Shakespeare.
I know that I can do it, I might not be very good at it right now, but if I do it long enough and on a daily basis I might start to improve, right. I guess thats why I started doing this 750 words thing, I just wanted something to write each day that didn’t have a narrative, something I can just write as my mind opens up.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Is it vain to go to a Gym. 750 Words Tuesday, 26 July 2011.

I think there for i ummmmm, What?
Right so I have nothing, so what I’m going to do is have a shower, then, even though its not sunny or even that warm outside, I’ll going to go for a walk, and see if anything happens or weather I think abut anything I can fill these pages with. I say pages this usually only fills up about one page a paragraph.
Be back later.
So I got out of the shower and it looked like it was going to rain, but I still want out, good thing to because the sun came out as I walked, and i found something to write about.
Is it vain to go to the Gym?
I guess the only experience I have in this is my own, so I’ll talk about that.
In January of this year (2011) I saw myself in the mirror, again and again I wasn’t very happy with what I was looking at, skinny arms and a fat belly, so I made the decision to get fit, again. I’ve made that decision a lot and never followed through with it, not once and this time was no different. I downloaded an app called Couch the 5K, the idea is you run/walk three times a week, the App tells you when to run and when to walk, I think its called interval training, the run would last for about 20 minutes and by the end of 9 weeks you should be able to run for 30 minutes straight. So anyway, the first week showed me how unfit I actually was at that time, as I started my lower back was killing me which made the run painful, the second week was ok but after only two runs I got sick, I could the shits from my nephew. Not fun. After that I found it hard to get back into it, and so stopped. It was around that time a friend I hadn’t seen in nearly a year popped by for a chat.
So me and Lee talked for a few hours, the last time I saw him he was fat, this time, not so much. Built like a brick shit house comes to mind. Anyway he offered to train me. I said I’d think about it and let him know. At that moment I wasn’t all that bothered, having just quit the running thing. But a few hours later I was sitting thinking about it and thought to myself, “why the fuck ain’t I doing it” so I called Lee and asked if we can start on Monday. We did.
And that was in March sometime. I wanted to start going to a Gym to build muscle and loose fat and get fit, and in the beginning thats all I really cared about, I just wanted to be able to look at myself in the mirror and like what I see. But now, after 4 months, I’ve lost a lot of belly fat and gained 23lbs in weight, all muscles, I’m now the heaviest I’ve ever been, in English I’m 14stone. But when I started to look at myself in the mirror at the gym, after a workout when I’m all pumped up I realised that now, its not so much about getting fit, I mean its still about that but its not only about that. Now I want to look good, I want a physique that will turn heads, women’s heads of course.
So for me, I started going to the Gym because I wanted to get fit, healthy, and gain a little muscle mass so my arms wouldn’t look skinny. Now you can add vanity to that.

I think that most people join a Gym because they want to get fit and healthy, but I think that after a while, as they start to make progress, lose a little fat and gain a little muscle, it changes, and now they want to get a better physique and because of that they might even work harder at it, I know I do. I sweat my nuts off.

So any who. Thats just my thoughts on vanity and the gym. A friend of mine thinks that everybody who goes to the gym does it out of vanity, and that there really is no other reason, like getting fit is just the excuse. I think he wrong, sure some people do it purely out of vanity, but not everyone, some actually want to get fit. He also thinks that if we’re supposed to have big muscles and be super fit, we already would be. But then he thinks that if we were meant to go into the Ocean we’d have gills and if we were meant to fly, we’d have wings. He lives his life very literally.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Letter to BT. 750 Words Monday, 25 July 2011.

Are you the second. Mmmmmm beer.
So, hello there.
Today I did stuff.
Its 15:07 I have a beer to my left, A rerun of Two and a Half men on Comedy Central to my right and Rammstein playing through my iTunes. I’m using Google+ and responding to eMails as they come in.
Who said Men can multitask?
Anywho, on to the days events so far, as I have nothing else to go on about I might as well write about that. So this morning I woke up, as usual, pretty late in the morning, I think today it was around 11am, yea yea I know, leave me alone I was up late last night masturbating to porn on some weird Gonzo porn website. Find free porn now is so much easier.
So anyway I knew I had to do a few things this morning, the first, logging in to my online bank and doing a back check of payments I’ve made to ‘BT Group PLC’ that being British Telecom, which I use for my phone and internet, even though I don’t even use the land line, I just give everyone my mobile number, and so don’t even have a phone connected to that line. Any way, I did this check because on the 21st of this month BT took £25 from my account, which I wasn’t billed for, they just too it, I called them up and asked about it, but they didn’t even have these payment on record, they had my last bill payment but not this one. The also happened on the 21st of May, for £35.
I downloaded the appropriate pages as a PDF, and circles the BT bill payments with a red pen so they could find them easily. I don’t really have faith in their intelligence so I figured I’d leave a hugh red mark as to where I want them to look. Of course there were other pieces of information on that bank statement that I didn’t want them to see, so I hit them with the black marker. In the end this bank statement looked like a top secret government document with 6 big red circles.
I had to do some cross referencing checking numbers and stuff like that. I did nothing that after my account number came 6 digits, this seemed to be the billing number, the last one I have is 000027, meaning its the 27th bill payment on this account number. That much was easy, except number 23 and 25 seemed to pop up twice, and in both instances I was charged a few and that fee didn’t appear in the BT records.
So I write a cover letter explaining the problem and what I have found, that BT had taken £60 form me in 3 months, and that I want it back. I’m not holding my breath. And if I’m not contacted by the end of the week. Next Monday I’ll be on the phone again and again I’ll be sending another letter. And I’ll keep doing this until I get my fucking money back.
Also, I’m going to back track as far back as I can go and see if this has happened before. That might take some time, but I know what I’m looking for, unfortunately I can’t make the search easy by doing a keyword search for BT Group PLC, I’ll just have to do to page at a time. Download it if I find more, get the black and red pens out again, write yet another cover letter and send it off again.
I packaged it up in an envelope, and sent it by recorded post, bought a few beers, picked up a prescription, not for me, topped up my oyster card and withdraw some cash. Came home and started doing this, after I made a quick VLog about BT stealing my money.
And in less then an hour I’m heading out to the Gym for todays workout, then back home for protein shakes and meat, there is a big steak in the fridge that got my name on it. Medium rare please.
It just seems that every time I think that I might be getting on top of my finances something happens and i’m back struggling again. If getting a little tiresome. Frustrating. Irritating. Annoying and whatever other words you can think of that follow along that line.
Bare minimum today folks, sorry, I’m near at my 750 words. So I’ll be signing off for the day, then uploading this to three websites and embedding to another. Ohh social media.

Sunday, 24 July 2011


Written for Google+

So, here we are again, ignore the title i was just trying to grab your attention.

But seriously i'm in the market of a job, pretty much anything not to demeaning to a 34 year old man, i'm computer savvy on both Mac and PC as i have a Mac at home and have always used PC's at work, so i can navigate my way around the Gooey  (GUI) on both machines, i know my way around MS Office pretty well and of course i use iWorks at home. I'm pretty savvy on Social networks, as you can see, look, i'm typing on a new, not yet public social network. I use Final Cut Express/Pro a lot, you'd have to see my Fisk FIlm youtube channel for that stuff, the link is in my profile. I'm also looking to learn as much as i can about Adobe After Effects and i use Photoshop a lot too. I also VLog (Video Log) but you might not want to see those, ummm there is no link to my VLogs in my profile (Anymore)

Am i being a little to needy asking for a job here? No, okie dokie.

I have common sense and work well under pressure, i don't freak out when the lights go out for instance, or if someone gets stuck in a glass lift (Elevator) on the outside of a building on a sunny day. I just get on with getting them out safely without breaking to many health and safety rules and regulations. That brings back so many bad memories.

That was a joke, you see i have a sense of humour as well. I know thats not exactly what most companies are looking for these days, they just want drones who will just do what the manager says weather it makes sense or not, and doesn't question management when it doesn't. I can do that. For a few months anyway, but then it'll just be to much and i'll have to start speaking my mind, i'm polite about calling a manager on stupid decisions, but after about a year of that, i'll just came out with it "Dude, you sir are an idiot, who's c**k did you suck to get that job anyway?". Yea, and you wonder why i'm unemployed right now.

Seriously though my current unemployment has nothing to do with saying anything like that to my last boss. I was sacked because i basically feel asleep at work. What!, it was 3am and i'd eaten a pizza with hot chicken wings and garlic bread, besides nothing ever happens on that night shift. You know Security is easy when your neighbours are Military Intelligence Section 5 (MI5) or as they prefer these days, The Security Services. Man those guys are paranoid. I used to run over there and leave a brown paper bag with an old hard drive from the I.T. store room on the back gate, or the gigantic steel gates, which ever you prefer. Then wait for all fucking hell to break loose, so much fun to be had watching the armed police response units close the streets then watching the bomb squad send out their poor little robot, and blow it to pieces. Hahaha good times.

So anyway I'm looking for work, any help?

3D, is it worth it? 750 Words Sunday, 24 July 2011.

Look, i'm in 3D. (Image processed after the fact)
I guess we should start with just what it is before we decide weather or not we actually what or need it in the film industry, personally i agree with Roger Eberts (posted on twitter 24th March 2010,
"3-D is a distracting, annoying, anti-realistic, juvenile abomination to use as an excuse for a higher price"
and on the same day Michael Bay said this about using it for Transformers 3
"Studios might be willing to sacrifice the look and use the gimmick to make $3 more a ticket, but I'm not. Avatar took four years. You can't just shit out a 3D movie. I'm saying, the jury is still out"
 - He has since changed his mind -
This coming from Michael Bay, a man i don't respect at all as a story teller, he makes jumped up fireworks displays, not compelling characters or engaging stories, but he has a very good point, at the time he said that the studios were testing a conversion process for Transformers 1 and 2, apparently it didn't look good, maybe it just didn't fit well with his style of film making, or maybe a conversion after the film is finished is just a bad idea, 3-D films need to be shot in 3-D with specific camera set-ups.
Okay down to business, what is 3-D film or S3D-Film, well its an illusion to enhance depth perception, or stereoscopic photography using two cameras to record images from two perspectives, you would also need a special projector to view the images on a screen, syncing the two reels of film together to get a single image on screen, also, you may or may not need to wear glasses in order to view it, this in my opinion would in fact ruin the illusion, in the past, viewing I-MAX 3-D documentaries, these glasses gave me a headache, and the added motion on screen made me feel a little motion sick, the illusion might have worked but i don't want to feel like crap halfway through a film, oh and in case you wonder, i don't leave theaters until the film is done.
Lets look at the techniques involved in producing a 3-D film.
The first was Anaglyph, this was the earliest method used to create the 3-D effect it was made popular because of it ease of use in production and exhibition, the images are superimposed though two filters, one red and the other cyan, the problem is the images were a little dim and had poor colour rendering, even with the best colour Anaglyphs the red components was either muted or desaturated, they could get around this by putting a slightly transparent cyan filter in the glasses.
The Polarization system, projected the images through two polarization filters with the viewer wearing polarization glasses, which wear cheap to manufacture, each lens passes only the light which is similarly polarized and blocks the light polarized in the other direction, these lens were tinted rather then being red and cyan as in the Anaglyph method, each eye then sees a slightly different image.
The Eclipse method is a mechanical shutter system which blocks the light from each eye in synchronization with the images on screen using LCD shutter glasses, the projector alternates between the left and right (eye) images, this method was the basis for the teleview system used for a short time in 1922.
The Interference filter uses differing wavelengths of Red, Green and Blue for each eye, eyeglasses were used to filter out the different wavelengths allowing the viewer to see a 3-D image.
The Pulfrich method is based on the human eye processing images more slowly when there is less light, the intensity of this effect is dependent on how fast the camera is moving, in relation to the distance of the objects in view, this effect only really works if the camera is constantly moving, as soon as if stops the effect is lost, when the image is moving and depending on which direction its moving in, one eye will be a fraction of a second behind the other, but if the image is static, both eye see the same thing at the same time and the 3-D effect is lost, using this method in cinema is a little useless if you ask me, but what do i know.
Spectral separation uses a holographic film in the glasses that creates an effect like a dispersive prism (i have no idea what that is), This causes redder images to be perceived as near and bluer images father away.
Lenticular or Barrier screens projects both images onto a corrugated screen which reflects the light in acute angles, like a holographic card, you know the card you tilt from side to side, both in order to see the 3-D image the view has to sit in a very narrow angle perpendicular to the screen, which means you limit the viewing audience, but with this method you don't need to wear special glasses, used predominately in Russia between 1940 and 1949 for short films.
The Autostereoscopic display is a new technology not yet useable for theatrical application, but in 2009 Hitachi developed a mobile phone with an autostereoscopic screen, and China has a version coming out this year, also trials are underway for TV's and LCD PC screens with the portable gamers likely to receive a portable gaming system.
Thats a run down of the varying systems to produces a 3-D image, i guess a little history is next.
A 3-D movie process was patented in 1890 by a British film pioneer, William Friese-Greene, but the obtrusive mechanics made it impractical for theatres, US inventor Frederick Eugene Ives patented a stereo camera rig in 1900, in June 1915 Edwin S. Porter displayed 3-D test reels at the Astor theatre in New York City using Red-Green Anaglyphs, nothing was produced using this method after the tests.
The earliest 3-D film shown to a paying audience was The Power of Love, played at the Ambassador Hotel in Las Angeles on September 27th 1922, and camera rig was a produce of Harry K Fairall and Robert F Elder, they used the Red-Green anaglyph format, making it the earliest film shown with "3-D" glasses, In December 1922, inventor William Van Doren Kelley cashed in on the growing interest of 3-D films, he shot film with a camera system of his own design, it seemed that back then the only you could make 3-D films was to make the camera systems yourself, so it seems like it was limited to inventor of the day who were interested in making films or moving images, he struck a deal with Samuel Rothafel to display his film series entitled "movies of the future" at the Rivoli Theatre in New York City, Kelley, who was an early producer of colour films used Prizma to print his films, his last film in 1923 called Through the Trees - Washington DC found no buyers. The late 20's and early 30's saw little or no interest in Stereoscopic picture or 3-D films, mostly due to the great depression, Louis Lumiere shot  footage with his stereoscopic camera in September 1933, then in March the following year he remade his film L'Arrivee du Train in anaglypgic 3-D, in 1936 Leventhal and John Norling were hired by MGM to film the Audioscoiks series and in 1938 The New Audioscopiks was nominated for an Oscar in the category Best Short Subject, Novelty. Many of these films were printed with colour systems but none of them were actually in colour, the colour printing was only used to achieve an anaglyph effect.
In 1936 Edwin H. Land gave the first demonstration of Polaroid filters in conjunction with 3-D photography at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, the reaction was enthusiastic and he followed it up with an installation at the New York Museum of Science, Later that year, the feature, Nozze Vagabonde appeared in Italy, followed in Germany by Zum Greifen Nah (You Can Nearly Touch It), and again in 1939 with Germany's Sechs Mädel Rollen Ins Wochenend (Six Girls Drive Into the Weekend). The Italian film was made with the Gualtierotti camera; the two German productions with the Zeiss camera and the Vierling shooting system. All of these films were the first exhibited using Polaroid filters. The Zeiss Company in Germany manufactured glasses on a commercial basis commencing in 1936; they were also independently made around the same time in Germany by E. Käsemann and by J. Mahler, the first commercial film using the polaroid system was In Tune With Tomorrow, premiered at the 1939 Worlds Fair in New York, a lot of 3-D going on in New York in the 20's and 30's, the last film before World War 2 broke out was in 1940, called Magic Movies: Thrills for you, produced by the Pennsylvania Railroad Co.
The Golden age of 3-D.
The first film produced was Bwana Devil, produced, Written and directed by Arch Oboler.
James Mage, a pioneer in the 3-D craze. Used his 16 mm 3-D Bolex system, and he premiered his Triorama program on February 10, 1953 with his four shorts: Sunday In StereoIndian SummerAmerican Life, and This is Bolex Stereo. This show is considered lost.
In April 1953 two groundbreaking features in 3-D:
Columbia's Man in the Dark and Warner Bros. House of Wax, the first 3-D feature with stereophonic sound. House of Wax, outside of Cinerama, was the first time many American audiences heard recorded stereophonic sound. It was also the film that typecast Vincent Price as a horror star as well as the "King of 3-D" after he became the actor to star in the most 3-D features ( the others were The Mad MagicianDangerous Mission, and Son of Sinbad ). The success of these two films proved that major studios now had a method of getting moviegoers back into theaters and away from television sets, which were causing a steady decline in attendance. You see back then Television was anew thing for many people, typically the cinema goes, so the use of a "new thing" like 3-D, this new fangeled invention (which is obviously wasn't) was a gimmic to put bums on sits because the studios could only get profits if people went to the cinema, television gave people a reason to stay in, nowadays Hollywood studios make just as much if not more revenue on DVD/Blu-ray sales as they do in theatres, so the use of 3-D now isn't profit induced, its simply a gimmick, something over a century old, that hasn't been used in mainstream cinema since the 1950's, reintroducing it now only feels new to young cinema goes who think it new. Like Eberts Said it's a distracting, annoying, anti-realistic, juvenile abomination.
Another famous entry in the golden era of 3-D was the 3 Dimensional Pictures production of Robot Monster. The film was allegedly scribed in an hour by screenwriter Wyott Ordung and filmed in a period of two weeks on a shoestring budget. Despite these shortcomings and the fact that the crew had no previous experience with the newly-built camera rig, luck was on the cinematographer's side, as many find the 3-D photography in the film is well shot and aligned. Robot Monster also has a notable score by then up-and-coming composer Elmer Bernstein. The film was released June 24, 1953 and went out with the short Stardust in Your Eyes, which starred nightclub comedian, Slick Slavin.
The decline in the theatrical 3-D craze started in August and September 1953. The cause of this decline were;
• Two prints had to be projected simultaneously.
• The prints had to remain exactly alike after repair, or synchronization would be lost.
• It sometimes required two projectionists to keep sync working properly.
• When either prints or shutters became out of sync, the picture became virtually unwatchable and accounted for headaches and eyestrain.
• The necessary silver projection screen was very directional and caused sideline seating to be unusable with both 3-D and regular films, due to the angular darkening of these screens. Later films that opened in wider-seated venues often premiered flat for that reason (such at Kiss Me Kate at the Radio City Music Hall).
Although it was more expensive to install, the major competing realism process was anamorphic, first utilized by Fox with Cinemascope and its premiere in The Robe. Anamorphic features needed only a single print, so synchronization was not an issue. Cinerama was also a competitor from the start and had better quality control than 3-D because it was owned by one company that focused on quality control. However, most of the 3-D features past the summer of 1953 were released in the flat widescreen formats ranging from 1.66:1 to 1.85:1. In early studio advertisements and articles about widescreen and 3-D formats, widescreen systems were referred to as "3-D," causing some confusion among scholars.
Several other features that helped put 3-D back on the map were the John Wayne feature Hondo (distributed by Warner Bros.), Columbia's Miss Sadie Thompson with Rita Hayworth, and Paramount's Money From Home with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Paramount also released the cartoon shorts Boo Moon with Casper, the Friendly Ghost and Popeye, Ace of Space with Popeye the Sailor. Paramount Picturesreleased a 3-D Korean War film Cease Fire filmed on actual Korean locations in 1953
A string of successful 3-D movies followed the second wave. Some highlights are:
▪ The French Line, starring Jane Russell and Gilbert Roland, a Howard Hughes/RKO production. The film became notorious for being released without an MPAA seal of approval, after several suggestive lyrics were included, as well as one of Ms. Russell's particularly revealing costumes. Playing up her sex appeal, one tagline for the film was, "It'll knock both of your eyes out!" The film was later cut and approved by the MPAA for a general flat release, despite having a wide and profitable 3-D release.
▪ Taza, Son of Cochise, which starred Rock Hudson in the title role, Barbara Rush as the love interest, and Rex Reason (billed as Bart Roberts) as his renegade brother, released through Universal-International.
▪ Two ape films: Phantom of the Rue Morgue, featuring Karl Malden and Patricia Medina, and produced by Warner Bros. and based on Edgar Allan Poe's "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," and Gorilla At Large, a Panoramic Production starring Cameron Mitchell, distributed through Fox.
▪ Creature from the Black Lagoon, starring Richard Carlson and Julie Adams, directed by Jack Arnold. Arguably the most famous 3-D movie, and the only 3-D feature that spawned a sequel, Revenge of the Creature in 3-D (followed by another sequel, The Creature Walks Among Us, shot flat).
▪ Cat-Women of the Moon, an Astor Picture starring Victor Jory and Marie Windsor. Elmer Bernstein composed the score.
▪ Dial M for Murder, directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring Ray Milland, Robert Cummings, and Grace Kelly, is considered by aficionados of 3-D to be one of the best examples of the process. Although available in 3-D in 1954, there are no known playdates in 3-D, since Warner Bros. had just instated a simultaneous 3-D/2-D release policy. The film's screening in 3-D in February 1980 at the York Theater in San Francisco did so well that Warner Bros. re-released the film in 3-D in February 1982.
▪ Gog, an Ivan Tors production, dealing with realistic science fiction. The second film in Tors' "Office of Scientific Investigation" trilogy of film, which included, The Magnetic Monster and Riders to the Stars.
▪ The Diamond Wizard, the only stereoscopic feature shot in Britain, released flat in both the UK and US. It starred and was directed byDennis O'Keefe.
▪ Irwin Allen's Dangerous Mission released by RKO in 1954 featuring Allen's trademarks of an all star cast facing a disaster (a forest fire).
▪ Son of Sinbad, another RKO/Howard Hughes production, starring Dale Robertson, Lili St. Cyr, and Vincent Price. The film was shelved after Hughes ran into difficulty with The French Line, and wasn't released until 1955, at which time it went out flat, converted to the SuperScope process.
The final decline of 3-D was in the late spring of 1954, for the same reasons as the previous lull, as well as the further success of widescreen formats with theater operators. Even though Polaroid had created a well-designed "Tell-Tale Filter Kit" for the purpose of recognizing and adjusting out of sync and phase 3-D, exhibitors still felt uncomfortable with the system and turned their focus instead to processes such as CinemaScope. The last 3-D feature to be released in that format during the "Golden era" was Revenge of the Creature, on February 23, 1955. Ironically, the film had a wide release in 3-D and was well received at the box office.
The single strip format of the 60's and 70's.
Stereoscopic films largely remained dormant for the first part of the 1960s, with those that were released usually being anaglyph exploitation films. One film of notoriety was the Beaver-Champion/Warner Bros. production, The Mask (1961). The film was shot in 2-D, but to enhance the bizarre qualities of the dream-world that is induced when the main character puts on a cursed tribal mask, the film went to anaglyph 3-D. These scenes were printed by Technicolor on their first run in red/green anaglyph.
Although 3-D films appeared sparsely during the early 1960s, the true second wave of 3-D cinema was set into motion by Arch Oboler, the same producer who started the craze of the 1950s. Using a new technology called Space-Vision 3D, stereoscopic films were printed with two images, one above the other, in a single academy ratio frame, on a single strip, and needed only one projector fitted with a special lens. This so-called "over and under" technique eliminated the need for dual projector set-ups, and produced widescreen, but darker, less vivid, polarized 3-D images. Unlike earlier dual system, it could stay in perfect sync, unless improperly spliced in repair.
Arch Oboler once again had the vision for the system that no one else would touch, and put it to use on his film entitled The Bubble. As with Bwana Devil, the critics panned The Bubble, but audiences flocked to see it, and it became financially sound enough to promote the use of the system to other studios, particularly independents, who did not have the money for expensive dual-strip prints of their productions. Most likely people flocked to see it because they hadn't seen 3-D films before, the last 3-D film that when to theatres was back in 1955, so it was all new again, maybe thats why so many people went to see it.
In 1970, Stereovision, a new entity founded by director/inventor Allan Silliphant and optical designer Chris Condon, developed a different 35mm single-strip format, which printed two images squeezed side-by-side and used an anamorphic lens to widen the pictures through polaroid filters. Louis K. Sher and Stereovision released the softcore sex comedy The Stewardesses (self-rated X, but later re-rated R by the MPAA) could this really be the first use of 3-D with a porn, softcore it might be, but you have to wonder what took them so damn long. The film cost $100,000 USD to produce, still more then pornography made today, and ran for up to a year in several markets. eventually earning $27 million in North America, alone ($114 million in constant-2007 dollars), and it seemed to earn far more then contemporary pornography, maybe there a lesson to be learned here, 3-D film is pointless in mainstream cinema but in the porn industry it could be a gold mine, in fewer than 800 theaters, becoming the most profitable 3-Dimensional film to date (see what i mean), and in purely relative terms, one of the most profitable films ever. It was later released in 70 mm 3-D. Some 36 films worldwide were made with Stereovision over 25 years, using either a widescreen (above-below), anamorphic (side by side) or 70 mm 3-D formats. In 2009The Stewardesses was remastered by Chris Condon and director Ed Meyer, releasing it in XpanD 3D, RealD Cinema and Dolby 3D. Could you imagine the type of "people" that would go to see a 3-D softcore porn film, "Tits you can reach out and touch"
The quality of the following 3-D films was not much more inventive, as many were either softcore and even hardcore adult films, horror films, or a combination of both. Paul Morrisey's Flesh For Frankenstein (aka Andy Warhol's Frankenstein) was a superlative example of such a combination.
▪ Amityville 3-D
▪ Comin' at Ya!
▪ Friday the 13th Part III
▪ Jaws 3-D
▪ The Man Who Wasn't There (1983)
▪ Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn
▪ Parasite
▪ Silent Madness
▪ Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone
▪ Starchaser: The Legend of Orin
▪ Treasure of the Four Crowns
Only Comin' At Ya!Parasite, and Friday the 13th Part III have been officially released on VHS and/or DVD in 3-D in the United States (althoughAmityville 3-D has seen a 3-D DVD release in the United Kingdom). Most of the 80s 3D movies and some of the classic 50s movies such asHouse of Wax were released on the now defunct Video Disc (VHD) format in Japan as part of a system that used shutter glasses. Most of these have been unofficially transferred to DVD and are available on the grey market through sites such as eBay.
3-D, a Rebirth 1985 - 2003.
In the mid 1980s, IMAX began producing non-fiction films for its nascent 3-D business, starting with "We Are Born of Stars" (Roman Kroitor, 1985). A key point was that this production, as with all subsequent IMAX productions, emphasized mathematical correctness of the 3D rendition and thus largely eliminated the eye fatigue and pain that resulted from the approximate geometries of previous 3D incarnations. In addition, and in contrast to previous 35mm based 3D presentations, the very large field of view provided by IMAX allowed a much broader 3D "stage", arguably as important in 3D film as it is theatre, In my opinion for 3-D film to be effective it needs to cover your peripheral vision also, but then the slightest movement of your head will ruin the experience.
In 1986, Disney Theme Parks and Universal Studios began to use 3D films to impress audiences in special venues, Captain Eo (Francis Ford Coppola, 1986) starring Michael Jackson, being a very notable example. In the same year, the National Film Board of Canada production Transitions (Colin Low), created for Expo 86 in Vancouver, was the first IMAX presentation using polarized glasses. "Echos of the Sun" (Roman Kroitor, 1990) was the first IMAX film to be presented using alternate-eye shutterglass technology, a development required because the dome screen precluded the use of polarized technology.
From 1990 onward, numerous films were produced by all three parties to satisfy the demands of their various high-profile special attractions and IMAX's expanding 3D network. Films of special note during this period include the extremely successful "Into The Deep" (Graeme Ferguson, 1995) and the first IMAX 3-D fiction film Wings of Courage (1996), by director Jean-Jacques Annaud, about the author and pilot Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry.
Other stereoscopic films produced in this period include:
▪ The Last Buffalo (Stephen Low, 1990)
▪ Jim Henson's Muppet*Vision 3D (Jim Henson, 1991)
▪ Imagine (John Weiley, 1993)
▪ Honey, I Shrunk the Audience (Daniel Rustuccio, 1994)
▪ Into the Deep (Graeme Ferguson, 1995)
▪ Across the Sea of Time (Stephen Low, 1995)
▪ Wings of Courage (Jean-Jacques Annaud, 1996)
▪ L5, First City in Space (Graeme Ferguson, 1996)
▪ T2 3-D: Battle Across Time (James Cameron, 1996)
▪ Paint Misbehavin' (Roman Kroitor and Peter Stephenson, 1997)
▪ IMAX Nutcracker (1997)
▪ The Hidden Dimension (1997) This one made me feel ill and my eyes hurt like crazy.
▪ T-Rex - Back to the Cretaceous (Brett Leonard, 1998)
▪ Mark Twain's America (Stephen Low, 1998)
▪ Siegfried & Roy: The Magic Box (Brett Leonard, 1999)
▪ Galapagos (Al Giddings and David Clark, 1999)
▪ Encounter in the Third Dimension (Ben Stassen, 1999)
▪ Alien Adventure (Ben Stassen, 1999)
▪ Ultimate G's (2000)
▪ Cyberworld (Hugh Murray, 2000)
▪ Cirque du Soleil - Journey of Man (Keith Melton, 2000)
▪ Haunted Castle (Ben Stassen, 2001)
▪ Space Station 3D (Toni Myers, 2002)
▪ SOS Planet (Ben Stassen, 2002)
▪ Ocean Wonderland (2003)
▪ Falling in Love Again (Munro Ferguson, 2003)
▪ Misadventures in 3D (Ben Stassen, 2003)
By 2004, 54% (133 theaters of 248) of the IMAX community was 3D-capable.
Shortly thereafter, higher quality computer animation, competition from DVDs and other media, digital projection, digital video capture, and the use of sophisticated IMAX 70mm film projectors, created an opportunity for another wave of 3D films
But as we can see, the 3-D film comes and goes very quickly, and in the the 80's to 2003 mostly factual films were being made, i still don't see any real point to using 3-D in theatres.
Onwards we go, 3-D enters the mainstream, or does it?
In 2003, Ghosts of the Abyss (James Cameron) was released as the first full-length 3-D IMAX feature filmed with the Reality Camera System. This camera system used the latest HD video cameras, not film, and was built for Cameron by Vince Pace, to his specifications. The same camera system was used to film Spy Kids 3D: Game Over (2003), Aliens of the Deep IMAX (2005), and The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D (2005).
Does anyone really remember any of these films, seriously.
In November 2004, The Polar Express was released as IMAX's first full-length, animated 3-D feature. It was released in 3,584 theaters in 2D, and only 66 IMAX locations. The return from those few 3-D theaters was about 25% of the total. The 3-D version earned about 14 times as much per screen as the 2D version. This pattern continued and prompted a greatly intensified interest in 3-D and 3-D presentation of animated films.
Again were seeing the emergence of a new audience, young people who haven't yet seen a 3-D film, and like it says the first full-lenght animated feature.
In June 2005, The Mann's Chinese 6 theatre (now Grauman's Chinese Theatre) in Hollywood became the first commercial movie theatre to be equipped with the Digital 3D format. Both Singin' in the Rain and The Polar Express were tested in the Digital 3D format over the course of several months. In November 2005, Walt Disney Studio Entertainment released Chicken Little in digital 3-D format.
So we have an old classic and the new CGI 3-D feature, and then Chicken Little, its no wonder it took another 2 years to progress.
On May 19, 2007 Scar3D opened at the Cannes Film Market. It was the first US produced 3D full length feature film to be completed in Real D 3D. It has been the #1 film at the box office in several countries around the world, including Russia where it opened in 3D on 295 screens.
Critics who saw the movie didn't think the 3-D aspect was worth it, and pointless to boot.
Other 2008 3-D films included Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds ConcertJourney to the Center of the Earth, and Bolt.
3 unsuccessful films, i'm not sure 3-D was even enough to pull in the punters for these.
On January 16, 2009, Lionsgate released My Bloody Valentine 3D, the first horror film and first R-rated film to be projected in Real D 3D. It was released to 1,033 3D screens, the most ever for this format, and 1,501 regular screens.
Again this film wasn't will received so the 3-D is again pointless.
On May 7, 2009 the British Film Institute commissioned a 3D film installation. The film Radio Mania: An Abandoned Work consists of two screens of stereoscopic 3D film with 3D Ambisonic sound. It stars Kevin Eldon and is by British artists Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard.
I've never even heard of this, goes to show that its not advertised very well, so why bother with the 3-D.
The first 3-D Webisode series was Horrorween starting September 1, 2009.
Major 3-D films in 2009 included CoralineMonsters vs. AliensUpX Games 3D: The MovieThe Final Destination, and AvatarAvatar has gone on to be the most expensive film of all time, with a budget rumoured to be $500 million. The main presentation technologies were Real D 3D, Dolby 3D, XpanD 3D, MasterImage 3D, and IMAX 3D.
Avatar is about the only movie here that has made any real money, but do you think thats because of the 3-D, do you think it would have made less money if it had been simply a 2D affair, i think not, the film would have made just as much, and from the few first hand accounts of a 3-D viewing that i've heard, it didn't deliver anything, if anything is was again pointless and distracting, most if not all of the people who saw the film and said the 3-D was great are most likely people who still act like children looking at fireworks for the first time and are in awe of its splendid yet destructive beauty, only to return the following November 5th, or if your American July 4th, to look up again and see for the first time the wonders of fireworks.
In my opinion, 3-D film offers nothing to the viewer, film needs to offer an emotional response, engaging characters and a well written story can do this, so if you have that why do you feel the need for 3-D, and if you don't have the story or the characters 3-D isn't going to help, a bad film is a bad film 3-D or not.
So, i've given you the methods of 3-D, a brief history of 3-D and my opinions and thoughts on the wonders of 3-D films, i for one won't be seeing Tron Legacy in 3-D thats for damn sure, so with this make up your own mind on weather you think 3-D is worth the extra ticket money, or the extra "experience" because like many times before the fad that is 3-D, and yes its a fad, will fade like the Mini disc, because people like you will get bored of it, you'll get bored of paying extra to see substandard films and eventually you'll stop going to the 3-D showcase, and 3-D like it has in the past will disappear, only to rear its ugly extra dimensional head once again in the next decade, its ok as a fade but be under no illusion, 3-D films always fail, they always have and always will, until the technology is available to completely amerce yourself in a 3-D "world" something like the Holodeck in Star Trek, something that you are in rather then something you sit and watch.